1984 and Covid Crimes

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With their recent Super Bowl win, residents of Tampa, Florida, have cause to celebrate right now. But not everyone.

“I’m proud to say that the majority of individuals that I saw out and about enjoying the festivities…were complying,” Mayor Jane Castor, a Democrat, told reporters at a press conference on Monday, referring to the mask directive she put in place before Sunday’s big event. “But those few bad actors will be identified, and the Tampa Police Department will handle it.”

“Creating a vast network of law enforcement officials empowered to enforce these mask rules will of course provide a handy new excuse for monitoring and surveilling citizens,” writes Reason 's Elizabeth Nolan Brown. “Meanwhile, deputizing federal agents, state authorities, and local cops to enforce transit mask rules will open up all sorts of new police harassment and abuse opportunities.”

It is also unclear whether or not Castor followed her own previous executive order on the matter. Pursuant to an August directive, masks are required in all indoor public spaces, though photos circulated online of Castor potentially flouting her own rules.

Castor has not responded to a request for comment as of this writing. But one thing is still clear: The spread of COVID-19 was an urgent issue in the spring, summer, and fall, just as it is an urgent issue now. Why the double standard?

the answer is easy, i think, but i want to add a question: why are there so many politicians all over the world got caught, not following their own rules? - because they don´t fear prosecution. they don´t even fear for their reputation, because many sheep will excuse their behavior. another question: why are there so many politicians got caught with not wearing a mask, not keep the distance, dining in restaurants as usual, going to the hairdresser etc. amidst a pandemic? - because they do not fear covid.


why do people smoke cigarettes? - because they do not fear cancer (?)

or because they deney causality and probability? or because they privily think death will spare them? or maybe they secretly want to die?

or is it the ignorance of the ostrich, who thinks if i don t see it, it can t see me?

can you compare this to an addiction? yeah, maybe there is something like an oxygen addiction and an addiction to speak freely and clear and show ones face… :mask:

but i doubt that when i see people alone in their cars with a mask, or on the bike with tons of space and clean air around them with no chance to get infected. those same people might be addicted to coffee, tea, cigarettes, alcohol, sleeping pills etc. and do not fear them but the virus. and they do not fear to stay at home and become fat and unfit.

we have left the idea of causality worldwide since the pandemic. we count somebody died of a heartattack with a positive covid test as a covid victim. but anyone who died after a vaccine was old or pre-diseased.

causality and denial is not the topic here. the topic is fear. there are people out there who do not need a maskmandate, because they wear them willingly out of fear. and all those people -including politicians who get caught- not wearing masks willingly do not belong to those people who fear covid that much. this is explicable with the average Joe who is not convinced that the pandemic is dangerous. but with politicians we might assume:

  1. they will get their information first hand and not from the mainstream media

  2. they should be convinced of their own rules and stand behind them

  3. they have a strong incentive to be a role model for their own rules

  4. they should fear for their reputation

…but many of them don´t. and this is very strange.


Wallace suggested that the United States could stop “domestic terrorism… with a drone strike for the crime of inciting violence, inciting terrorism.”

Luke Rudkowski summarized on Twitter, saying: “So……. they are pretty much saying they have to stop incitement of violence by inciting violence themselves! This as MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace suggests we use domestic Drone strikes on Americans as a solution to lockdown protestors!”

“Anyone who lies on a passenger locator form and tries to conceal that they’ve been in a country on our red list in the 10 days before arrival here will face a prison sentence of up to 10 years,” Health Secretary Matt Hancock said.

Residents from the red-list nations — including South Africa, Portugal and all of South America — are now effectively banned from traveling to the UK.

However, British and Irish citizens are permitted to travel — but must pay $2,400 for a “quarantine package” for a 10-day hotel stay and repeated testing before being free to return their homes, Hancock announced of rules being enforced from Monday.

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People with learning disabilities have been given do not resuscitate orders during the second wave of the pandemic, in spite of widespread condemnation of the practice last year and an urgent investigation by the care watchdog.

Mencap said it had received reports in January from people with learning disabilities that they had been told they would not be resuscitated if they were taken ill with Covid-19.

The Care Quality Commission said in December that inappropriate Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) notices had caused potentially avoidable deaths last year.

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113 people died after but not through vaccination

Bislang sind 113 Menschen in Deutschland nach Corona-Impfungen verstorben - dennoch geben Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler Entwarnung, da es keine Hinweise gebe, dass es zu vermehrten Todesfällen im Zusammenhang mit der Impfung kommt.

Für Laien ist das 19-seitige Dokument schwer nachzuvollziehen: Geben die 113 gemeldeten Todesfälle jetzt Grund zur Sorge oder nicht? Für Thomas Mertens, Virologe und Vorsitzender der Ständigen Impfkommission (STIKO), ist zunächst eine Zahl wesentlich: 85 Jahre. So hoch ist das Durchschnittsalter der Verstorbenen: “Wenn Sie in einer Gruppe von Menschen impfen, die sowieso ein statistisch hohes Risiko haben, in nächster Zeit zu sterben, dann kann es natürlich auch sein, dass jemand im engeren zeitlichen Zusammenhang mit der Impfung stirbt.” Das müsse dann aber nichts mit der Impfung zu tun haben, trotzdem werde dies im Einzelfall überprüft.

So far, 113 people in Germany have died after corona vaccinations - but scientists have given the all-clear, as there is no evidence that there will be increased deaths in connection with the vaccination.

The 19-page document is difficult for laypeople to understand: Are the 113 reported deaths now cause for concern or not? For Thomas Mertens, virologist and chairman of the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO), one number is initially important: 85 years. This is how high the average age of the deceased is: "If you vaccinate a group of people who anyway have a statistically high risk of dying in the near future, then it can of course also be the case that someone dies more closely related to the vaccination. " However, this does not have to have anything to do with the vaccination, but this is checked in each individual case.

Ab Meldewoche 37 war ein deutlicher Anstieg der Zahl der Todesfälle zu beobachten, seit MW 53 gehen die wöchentlich gemeldeten Todesfälle deutlich zurück. Von allen Todesfällen waren 55.247 (89%) Personen 70 Jahre und älter, der Altersmedian lag bei 84 Jahren (s. dazu auch Tabelle 4).

A clear increase in the number of deaths was observed from reporting week 37, and the number of deaths reported weekly has decreased significantly since MW 53. Of all deaths, 55,247 (89%) people were 70 years of age or older, the median age was 84 years (see also Table 4).

Der Altersmedian von Covid -Toten war immer schon über 80. Herzinfarkte, Schlaganfälle und Vorerkrankungen spielten keine Rolle, wenn ein positiver PCR-Test erlaubte, Covid 19 als Todesursache einzutragen. Selbst ohne positiven Test kann Covid 19 eingetragen werden, sobald ein begründeter Verdacht besteht. Kliniken erhalten seit der Pandemie eine Extravergütung für Covid 19 Patienten:

The median age of Covid deaths has always been over 80. Heart attacks, strokes and previous illnesses played no role if a positive PCR test allowed Covid 19 to be entered as the cause of death. Even without a positive test, Covid 19 can be registered as soon as there is a reasonable suspicion. Since the pandemic, clinics have received extra compensation for Covid 19 patients:

Extrabudgetäre Vergütung für alle COVID-19-Leistungen

04.03.2020 - Für die ambulante medizinische Versorgung von Coronavirus-Patienten wird zusätzliches Geld bereitgestellt. Alle ärztlichen Leistungen, die aufgrund des klinischen Verdachts auf eine Infektion oder einer nachgewiesenen Infektion erforderlich sind, werden seit 1. Februar in voller Höhe extrabudgetär bezahlt. Ärzte kennzeichnen die Fälle dazu mit der Ziffer 88240.

March 4th, 2020 - Additional money will be made available for outpatient medical care for coronavirus patients. All medical services that are required on the basis of a clinical suspicion of an infection or a proven infection have been paid extra budget in full since February 1st. Doctors mark the cases with the number 88240.


Zusätzlich gibt es eine Corona-Prämie für Krankenhäuser ab 20 bzw. 50 Covid 19 Patienten.
There is also a corona premium for hospitals with 20 or 50 Covid 19 patients.

Wer die Veröffentlichung der CDC benutzt, um auszusagen, dass nur 6 % der Covid 19-Toten tatsächlich an Covid gestorben sind und 94% alt und vorerkrankt und damit nicht ursächlich an Covid 19 gestorben sind, ist ein Verschwörungstheoretiker, denn ohne Covid 19 könnten auch alte und vorerkrankte Patienten vielleicht noch leben.
Wer nun sagt, die Impfung habe Menschen umgebracht, ist ebenso ein Verschwörungstheoretiker, denn die Personen, die unmittelbar nach der Impfung verstarben, waren alt und vorerkrankt und die Impfung nicht die Ursache für deren Tod.

Beides geht nicht. Zählen Alter und Vorerkrankungen als Todesursache, wäre die Impfung nicht tödlich, aber dann haben wir weltweit etwa 144.000 Covid-Opfer, das wäre weniger als ein Viertel der jährlichen Grippetoten. Zählen Alter und Vorerkrankungen nicht als Ursache, dann haben wir 2,4 Millionen Covid-Opfer und die Impfung bringt nun zusätzlich Menschen um. Wir brauchen endlich Aufrichtigkeit und einen wissenschaftlichen Umgang mit Daten.

Anyone who uses the CDC’s publication to claim that only 6% of the Covid 19 deaths actually died of Covid and 94% of them were old and previously ill and therefore did not die causally of Covid 19 is a conspiracy theorist, because without Covid 19 could also old and previously ill patients may still be alive.
Anyone who says that the vaccination killed people is also a conspiracy theorist, because the people who died immediately after the vaccination were old and previously ill and the vaccination was not the cause of their death.

Both are not possible. If age and previous illnesses count as the cause of death, the vaccination would not be fatal, but then we would have around 144,000 Covid victims worldwide, that would be less than a quarter of the annual flu deaths. If age and previous illnesses do not count as the cause, then we have 2.4 million Covid victims and the vaccination is now killing people. We finally need honesty and a scientific approach to data.

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Watch the 5 min video in the middle of the article, where James O’Keefe presents the leaked information:

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additional resource to evaluate the topic:

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Human rights violation in the US and a reprimand from russia :sunglasses::

Zakharova described the ongoing crackdown against Trump loyalists in the United States:

“The FBI has reportedly opened more than 400 criminal cases and applied for more than 500 search warrants and subpoenas for suspects; it has also brought charges against and detained around 200 people. Only several dozen defendants have been released on bail or placed under house arrest. The others are being subjected to harsh pressure, with members of their family and social circle being coerced into giving a ‘convenient’ testimony. Moreover, people who have not even been officially charged are losing their jobs; they are being banned from social media and publicly ostracised.”

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In my recent book, “Pandemic Blunder,” I used RWE to conclude that 70 to 80% of COVID deaths could have – and still can be – prevented by using the cheap and effective protocols.

Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin had many decades of wide, safe use for a variety of illnesses and under the law deserved approval early in the pandemic for COVID treatment. But it did not happen.

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