This thread presents some of the core concepts of the Netec world. It outlines all of these concepts without going into great detail for any of them. Details are presented in separate threads, especially when requested.
The nets – in full: collective intelligence networks, or CI nets – are the core concept of the Netec world. A net is a decentralized social organization that uses advanced internet-based adaptive collective intelligence systems to make decisions. The collective intelligence of a net in many cases exceeds the intelligence of each contributing singular entity, often vastly so.
Participation in nets is typically open. There may be different levels of involvement in a specific net. Reputation systems reflect the status a contributor generally has within a specific net. Nets typically gratify their contributors for their work with reputation or money.
In the Netec world, nets have replaced companies as central actors of the economy.
###Netec – Network Economy
Netec is a syllabic abbreviation of Network Economy. it refers to the economic system that is based on the economic activity of nets. Its basis are decentralized services, including decentralized identity services, currencies, reputation systems, contracts, and many more. Property rights are often replaced by more granular usage rights of certain items. Private property exists, but its use is often constrained by social restrictions effectively enforced by reputation systems or contracts. Markets are free, but the actions of their participants is socially restricted in similar ways. Digital goods are typically free and open-source. Copyright and intellectual property are deprecated. Collaborative co-creation is the typical mode of production. Material goods are usually created with additive manufacturing and biotechnology processes.
###Netec Revolutions
The Netec Revolutions refer to the period of change from the modern era to the netal era (see below). It is characterized by the emergence of nets. The Netec Revolutions include the rise of nets as superior successors to companies, World War 3 and World War 4, also called the Transition Wars, together with national uprisings of nets and govnets which replaced the traditional governments. The Netec Revolutions also includes the transition from the capitalist system to the Netec system. Sometimes, the Netec Revolutions additionally refer to the cultural, and social changes brought forth by Netec and related systems and technologies.
Transition Wars
The Transition Wars collectively mean World War 3, World War 4, and all the civil and international wars that were closely connected to those World Wars. The Transition Wars mark the transition between the modern and the netern era.
Basincs are a syllabic abbreviation of basic incomes. Since there are no governments in the Netec world, basincs are issued by nets for various reasons, in various different currencies, and in various different amounts. Typically, basincs are enough not only to survive, but to prosper. They certainly aren’t enough to become actually rich, however.
Repincs are a syllabic abbreviation of reputation incomes. Like basincs, repincs are issued by nets. Repincs are incomes in digital currencies that depend on one’s score in a specific reputation system of a net. One of the first general repinc systems is the Quantified Prestige system. Repincs are the usual additional source of income in the netec system. People work for their reputation within different nets, and thus get repincs.
Flux Currencies
Conventional currencies have been mostly replaced by flux currencies, which are defined by having the following properties:
- A flux currency is a digital decentralized currency, a cryptocurrency
- Flux currencies have conditional demurrage, meaning that above a certain amount of money you have in that curency, everything above that will be automatically devalued by a specific percentage per year
- Flux currencies allow for continuous transfers of money over time, unlike current currencies which require discrete transfers
- Flux currencies are not mined directly. They neither have Proof-of-Work, nor Proof-of-Stake mechanisms for money creation. What can be mined though, are mining tokens, which may attract reputation. Mining tokens may be traded, but all trades are absolutely transparent
- Flux currencies allow users to make transparent verified transactions, for example for verifying that you paid a certain organisation a specific amount at a certain time. This mechanism is used for the voluntary taxation system.
Flux currencies are usually issued by nets, or on an anarchic globally decentralised basis. There are four basic generation mechanisms for flux currencies. All four generation mechanisms can be combined.
- A-flux currencies are generated as attention incomes, which are paid for a person for paying attention to something.
- B-flux currencies are generated uniformly as basic incomes
- C-flux currencies are generated conditionally within a net, according to certain conditions that the net has set up
- R-flux currencies are generated in proportion to a reputation score
###Govnets – Governance Networks
Govnets have replaced governments in the Netec world. Govnets are special nets that govern the social behaviour of their members through social contracts.
There are basically two types of govnets:
Territorial govnets, or T-govnets: They are the primary successors of the old governments and define basic sets of rules that are valid on some specific territory. Their purpose is mainly in preventing “lawless” regions to be dominated by criminal associations.
Associative govnets, or A-govnets: They are “virtual states” who people can join or leave rather freely. They represent (sub)cultural communities who want to govern themselves with their own rules and laws.
As nets, both of these types of govnets make their decisions, which include laws, on the basis of adaptive real-time collective intelligence. There are usually no representatives. Those who participate in the system have potentially a direct influence on the policy adopted by the govnets.
Peacenets are special nets whose primary purpose is to maintain internal peace and non-violence. Entities either join peacenets voluntarily or are required to join peacenets for specific reasons, typically because they represent a significant potential threat to society, for example advanced AGIs. Leaving a peacenet is possible, but complicated, because it requires the consent of the peacenet in question. Leaving one peacenet and joining another one is a move that is possible without too much trouble. Becoming “peaceless” by leaving all peacenets is very challenging.
Peacenets usually have the ability to inhbit specific actions of individuals in order to secure their peacefulness. This inhibition works through specific implants, the inhibitors. The inhibitors possess artificial intelligence and also monitor the behaviour, and sometimes even the intentions of their hosts. Typically, there is a whole net of inhibitors in one host, called the inhibition net.
Through their power, peacenets take over the roles of police forces, armies, secret services, and security contractors. Govnets sometimes collaborate with peacenets to enforce specific laws more effectively. The entities in question have to agree explicitly to this peacenet enforcement of govnet laws. Peacenets on their own can be seen as very powerful minimal govnets.
An anthropoid is an entity with human-like mental capabilities. It is a category of beings than encompasses humans, many AGIs (artificial general intelligences), as well as uplifted animals. Intelligent extraterrestrials would typically be classified as anthropoids, too. Anthropoids have anthropoid rights in many govnets, which are a generalization of human rights.
Autonomous system of AI agents working for an anthropoid. The autosystem is a basic part of the exocortex of an anthropoid.
Technological extension of the mind of an anthropoid. Can be based on physically implanted or attached modules, or cloud based.
Netal is a word that refers to a specific era, comparable to the words “ancient”, “medieval”, “industrial”, or “modern”. It refers to the period that started with the Netec Revolutions. It’s of course the current period in the Netec world. The world “modern” is often used as term to refer to things that are outdated in the netal era (often simply referred to as (the) netal). So, “netal” refers to things that are either contemporary, advanced, or “progressive”.
The Neternity is the successor for the era of Modernity. See “Netal”. Neternity officially started after the Transition Wars. The era between the invention of the internet and the Transition Wars is often referred to as late modernity and is seen as transition period between modernity and neternity.
Global telepathic- and empathic network that uses technology to transmit cognitions between sentient beings. Translation of cognitions between very different sentient beings is a big problem, but transmission of simple feelings, sensations, or thoughts is relatively easy. The nounet is of course an opt-in system. You only transmit what you want to transmit, and you only receive what you have opted in to receive from other nounet participants. Nounet is not an actual group mind for the world, but rather the underlying technology that allows individual telepathic- and empathic connections, as well as group minds to form.
Emergent group mind of a net that uses the nounet-enhanced CI algortihms for decision-making. Does not require an integrator mind, but is enhanced by it.
An AGI that integrates parts of the minds of a nounet-enhanced CI net in order for better decision-making. The integrator caches and integrates the relevant knowledge and wisdom of the constituent individuals of the net and enables faster and more reliable decision-making, even if essential members of the net are absent. An integrator is the core of a holomind.