What is really going on?

ehrlich gesagt, sind mir die taliban sympathischer, als manche der freilaufenden unhöflichen …

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Those so-called elegies are about connecting the dots to prove how Orwellian international societies have become while mostly very rich men that indirectly and directly control them are brainwashing and enslaving the masses with online surveillance, social credit systems, censorship, the threat against independent journalists (such as Julian Assange), the threat against whistleblowers (such as Edward Snowden), phone verification on “social” media platforms that have a cult-like political agenda to keep very rich men richer by Orwellianistically spying on people for advertisement money while threatening free speech, the military industrial complex causing war propaganda in mainstream media to indoctrinate working class citizens to die young while very rich and cut-throat men stay alive while profiting from blood money because they devilishly don’t care about people’s well-being (especially women that get raped during war) because they are greedily antisocial, internalized misogyny in the political world controlled by mostly cut-throat men (especially ones that promote misogynistic religions), and other things that threaten people’s freedoms to make a better world. These very rich men who rule countries are not interested in making most people be critical thinkers that have actual freedom. No, they want most people to: impulsively buy products by giving up their online anonymity from government-tracked phones or computers, die in wars, ruin their health for profit, damage their children’s genitals for profit disguised as infant circumcision, promote misogynistic religions for profit, be brainwashed to prevent themselves from having real intellectual power to overcome the dehumanizing censorship and self-censorship that prevents artistic freedom and open-minded discussions without a filter from being had, have social credit systems to prevent most people from having actual power to fight against dehumanizing collectivism that keeps them from becoming unconventionally imaginative to their fullest potential without a filter, and deal with cut-throat industries that are male-dominated that harm Earth’s environment and people’s well-being.

You are a self-transhumanist. Which means you are mainly interested in making yourself be improved and/or advanced by transhumanisn. Because you care about yourself more than anyone else. Your bored attitude stems from high amounts of self-interest, not a conscience.

I am not confused.

Oh, and by the way, Germany has a totalitarian government that bans websites, bans violent video games, prevents freedom of press, and has an oligarchical economy controlled by cut-throat men who don’t care about letting most Germans have human rights, such as free speech, lower taxes for purchasing power, the ability to check websites to learn about dissenting perspectives, and so forth. So, most Germans are indoctrinated serfs that don’t have protected human rights. They play it safe because they aren’t allowed to think outside the box because of Germany’s anti-freethinking censorship. Some former Germans escaped Germany to work in different countries because Germany’s working environments are so dehumanizingly perfectionistic to the point of dystopia. Some former Germans work in different countries because they don’t want to fear being late for work, having to deal with Germany’s limitations on what video games can be developed based on how violent they are, and being afraid of being imprisoned when being an independent journalist in Germany. Because Germany has a government that threatens creative freedom and free speech. Germany is the epitome of a party pooper when it comes to thinking outside the box because the cut-throat men who control it care about profit, power, and control more than human rights. Germany has not significantly improved since World War 2. It is still a totalitarian country that threatens creative freedom, free speech, and freethinking by using online surveillance or spyware or banning websites or video games being banned or whatever else to keep most Germans indoctrinated who play it safe without thinking outside the box. Sure, Germany has a competitive industry for vehicles, metals, and plastic while making its country look clean on an infrastructural level. But its internet speed is outdated, its education system has fallen behind other countries, and thereare no protected human rights in it to create a society of most people who are intellectually competitive.

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To me, it’s not clear who you are addressing with that statement. Regardless, it’s possible to create different threads of further discussion from that comment. One thread might be about the desirability of transhumanism in any form. Another thread might be a discussion of the ethical validity of self-interst versus any form of altruism. My comment to the first thread would be that transhumanism is desirable, if there is the freedom to opt out of it without suffering devastating economic or political consequences as a result, and if it’s rolled out in the set of willing participants in an inclusive fashion that leaves out the Orwellian crap of total surveillance and control. That’s certainly a tall order, but I believe that it’s possible. My reply to the second thread of self-interst versus altruistic ethics is the observation that altruism is usually a form of enlightened self-interest. A truly rational egoists doesn’t want her world to turn into a social dystoptia, because living in such a world is too stressful, too limited, and not vibrant enough. In most cases, this suffices as proxy for “truly altruistic” positions. I do not deny that “truly altruisitc” motivations exists, but at the current level of development of civlization these are rare and exceptional. They represent a moral idealistic standard that’s simply not necessary for the next steps of development of human consciousness and civilization. Let’s first build a world really based on enlightened self-interest and then wonder what it takes to transcend that.

I am kinda disappointed by the Germans that they are not more in opposition to a government that is apparently increasingly trying to replicate the authoritarian nightmare of the Nazi era. Germany is despite its high tax burden a country in which most people can live kinda comfortably. The desire to think critically has been dampened both by this moderate level of comfort and a system that has been designed to breed conformity. Still, the level of political insanity in Germany is rising fast enough to cause a rapidly increasing level of public disconent apparent through the explosively rising number of demonstration against vaccine mandates and other draconic measures. In addition to the Covid-19 insanity there’s the insanity to shut down nuclear power plants and other power plants while Germany still doesn’t have the means to replace the lost energy sources by other means. Germany is going to suffer when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow. I expect a dramatic increase of civil discontent when the first serious brown-outs start happening. This may quickly lead to another “1989” moment in which the leadership had to abdicate. What will happen afterwards is the really interesting question. Will the globalists be able to entice a sufficient part of the populace to their schemes, or will the anti-globalists succeed with providing a desirable alternative to centralized control?

I am skeptical about coronavirus vaccines. Because everyone’s bodies do not work exactly the same way. Some people are allergic to nuts. Other people are allergic to pollen when the spring season starts. Which these people with unique bodies are why coronavirus vaccines saved lives most of the time. People from a small fraction in human population have died because of coronavirus vaccines. Results like this make me convinced that blind optimists are not trustworthy. Pragmatists are needed more than blind optimists from what I have learned.

My ancestor left a European country because of what Germany’s corrupt rulers did during the pre-nazi era. Germany’s corrupt rulers started degenerating the standard of living and quality of life. People were starving until they became anorexic skeletons. Audrey Hepburn was affected by this. It is why she was so skinny. Because the corrupt rulers of Germany were leeching resources away from people. America, Europe, Asia, and Africa’s oligarchs are all doing this now. What is happening in Germany now happens everywhere. Ultra-wealthy male oligarchs who use their imperialistic military-industrial complex as a dick measuring contest for profitable power live in luxury during this coronavirus recession. Their endless wars keep children, women, and men raped, tortured, and killed. They force sweatshops in so-called independent nations to kleptocratically extract wealth from them. They contribute to global warming. They force censorship and conformity in every country now. Europe’s oligarchs have banned R.T. America from European internet service providers. They don’t want international societies to have critical thinkers that geniusly figure out how screwed over most people are compared to these ultra-wealthy imperialists. America, Africa, Asia, and Europe have oligarchs doing what nazis did more or less actually. America’s rulers are the ones with the most economic and military powers. So, it is clear America’s rulers are the ones calling the shots and imperialistically making other countries be subordinated. China and Russia’s oligarchs are getting pissed off at America’s rulers. That is why China is trying to strengthen its military and brainwash Chinese people with war propaganda. China has no free press, a dehumanizing social credit system, Orwellian online surveillance, and conformist collectivism. So, China ranks low in freethinking and protected human rights. Germany has a softer form of fascism than China does. But it is fascism nonetheless. Germany has always been a fascist country. It’s why investigative journalists and black comedy entertainers don’t live there. Because Germany’s government has always attacked non-conformist thinking. So, it is not a country that culturally encourages critical thinking. So, it is no surprise to me that Germany’s education system is becoming more outdated now. All of these things make not surprised by Ukraine’s situation and World War III happening in the future.