What are your current favourite blogs, websites, and other media channels?

I’d like to know where you get your information from. What kind of blogs or websites do you visit regularly? What media do you consume? What kinds of mailing lists are you subscribed to? I think it would be great to get an idea where fractal futurists get their daily dose of info. Perhaps cooperation with those channels might be a good idea for Fractal Future.

Here are some of my favourites:

Here’s my list. For sure, I forgot many sites, will add them later.

scienceblogs.de (yeah, german)
astronews.de (especially the forum ist great, also german)
waitbutwhy.com <— lots of transhumanistic stuff (http://waitbutwhy.com/2015/01/artificial-intelligence-revolution-1.html), it’s worth a try/read!

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