It finally dawned on me that
- this was the forum I wanted for a “brain dumping ground”,
- Having an interest in the general subject matter, I really should be making regular posts…
Anyway, the subject is an attempt to re-package, yet again, a set of ideas that I’ve been trying to float since… jeez 2003 or so.
I think, as we head into a period of time where we can use technology to transform ourselves in increasingly radical ways, we need a way to “try out” these transformations, as well as to illustrate and study simualted societies where these transformations are widely deployed. Furthermore, we need to be able to communicate a broad diversity of possible transformations and allow both high level concepts and low level implementations to evolve before they can be considered safe enough to actually deply in the real world. Obviously, there are overwhelmingly valuable ‘entertainment’ applications for this, but lets stick with the more serious aspects.
What I propose is a neural interface system, that sounds a great deal like what Elon musk is working on with his neuralink project. This would, among other things, provide you with acces to the consciousness of a simulated avatar. The avatar could experience all manner of things with minimal risk beyond psychological trauma to yourself. There could be more serious risks from long-term use but let’s leave that asside.
I really would have thought that with so much talk about “virtual existance”, etc, there would be a much greater interest if not effort into getting a powerful, robust simulation environment running. There actually is some interest that has been generated by the landmark anime series, Sword Art Online which demonstrated a “nerve gear” that would allow the user to experience a VR through an avatar that was similar to their baseline body. This doesn’t quite meet my needs, but at least it’s a start in that it demonstrates how a concept similar to what I’m talking about can be promoted.