The Revolution Will (Not) Be Decentralized: Blockchains

I just got asked to share a great article on the “blockchain revolution” that I’ve found today:

Decentralised topologies and non-discriminatory protocols have been all but replaced by a recentralisation of infrastructure, as powerful corporations now gatekeep our networks. Everything might be accessible, but this access is mediated by a centralised entity. Whoever controls the data centre exercises political and economic control over communications. It’s difficult to see how we can counteract these recentralising tendencies in order to build a common core infrastructure. There are significant barriers in place. This includes the age-old problem of scaling distributed forms of organisation beyond the local. But it also includes barriers in terms of access and control of network resources. There are political and economic constraints governing the ownership and distribution of computational power, servers, bandwidth and energy. While we can access any range of software applications for free, the core network is always substantiated in property and provisioned on a scale that blocks access to all but the most powerful actors.

What really astonished me about it is that it pointed me to two reputation systems that I actually haven’t hear about: Traity and Crypto Swartz! I will need to check them out in more detail, soon. Probably there is some opportunity to interconnect those with my Quantified Prestige system.

Edit (just a few minutes after I posted the OP): What happened to Crypto Swartz? The only links with reasonable information are the one above, this video interview with the makers and a rather lone comment on a Reddit thread:

Vlad Zamfir and Ethan Buchman were working on Crypto Swartz last year -

What do you think about that article?