The Chinese New World Order

Anything that opposes the current agenda these ultra-wealthy oligarchs enforce is demonitized, too. Because demonitization is a tool for censorship. Investigative journalists have bad their online bank accounts frozen. Which that shows oligarchy showing its ruthless head.

Poverty is increased in America to turn most Americans into passive neanderthals with toxic attitudes for the purpose of making elites more powerful and wealthy. This helps keep many Americans enslaved in the military-industrial complex. Which allows these endless wars to make elites powerfully wealthy while many people die and suffer. So, there is war against Russia, Syria, Iraq, Cuba, and other countries. Some Cubans have left Cuba because it has been economically bullied by American interventionism. Some Iraqis left Iraq because it has been infrastructurally destroyed by America’s ruthless military-industrial complex. Some Russians have left Russia because of its homophobic oligarchs that cause Russia’s modern censorship that is draconian.

Inflation is skyrocketing because elites have been leeching off of countries’ resources including people for many decades with the central bank cartels and military-industrial complex.

Europe fighting against this American empire since the day it was stolen land, keeping taxes moderate rather than very high to allow people purchasing power, not having commumistic form of heavy government regulation, legalizing free speech laws, illegalizing online surveillance, and normalizing cultures where freethought is valued more than dehumanization would have prevented European nations from being puppet countries of America. That would have made European countries have enough economic power to prevent themselves from being more vulnerable than this America’s empire. Until most Europeans have real economic freedom, free speech, online privacy, capitalism, moderate taxes for purchasing power, no more financial support for environmentally unfriendly sweatshops, and the ability to own their products for a long time without planned obsolescence, I see global warming, human rights violations, wealth inequality, unethically unfair power dynamics, etc. in the future getting worse.

People are getting angry at their goverments because that is how increasingly bad things have become to most people versus ultra-wealthy elites. Most people are dealing with wealth inequality, global warming, products from sweatshops, lack of internet freedom, online surveillance, censorship, and mainstream media propaganda that keeps America’s imperialists powerfully wealthy. All of this started to happen after World War 2. But the people from developed nations were blindly optimistic when World War 2 ended. Then, the C.I.A. from America perverted this hippie movement to weaponize drugs for MKUltra. The hippie movement was originally about love, peace, happiness, compassion, anti-war, and not being an irresponsible idiot doing drugs for fun without paying attention to consequences. But it got perverted into turning people into irresponsible idiots doing drugs and having sex while having consequences be damned. It’s all about oligarchs turning people into impulsive consumers that buy things whether it’s drugs, alcohol, sex, violence, beauty, or whatever. They literally funded the feminism movement in America to keep women away from their children by seperating them in workplaces and schools. Because they don’t want mothers teaching their children about morals, critical thinking, how elites are screwing over future generations by burning our world, and other things. All of these things leading up to present time caused U.S. workers being treated worse than medieval peasants. American mothers, especially black females, are treated like disposable garbage with America’s ruthless healthcare systems, lack of paternity leave, ridiculous wealth inequality, and misogynistic abortion laws that cause America to have much more maternal deaths including drastic mental health illnesses than other developed nations. People are getting angry because the situation has become increasingly bad enough that their minds are alert now. Also, more people have access to the internet to figure things out now. So, the internet is a reason why more people have connected the dots about how screwed up things have become internationally. If people had access to the internet right after World War 2, the Europeans, Africans, Asians, Americans, and Latin Americans would have probably been more prepared to prevent this 2022 dystopia. But the damage has been done anyway. China’s oligarchs are successfully brainwashing Chinese people into this Borg-like mentality with social credit scores, banning V.P.Ns, no free press, slave labor from Apple, etc. The Japanese people are continuing this dehumanizing collectivism and their cut-throat business model that inevitably increases suicide rates, depression, anxiety, dysfunctional families putting on a facade to save face, etc.

We escape this fate by imprisoning the oligarchs who caused brainwashing, endless wars, human rights violations like sweatshops, and other things. I am not suggesting we escape this fate through civil wars, war in general, violence, or bloodshed. I find many people are tired of war, death, and sadness that happens due to deaths. The American soldiers are only serving because America’s ruthless elites causing increasing wealth inequality and human rights violations have caused them to sell their souls desperately. These American soldiers, deep down, want better lives without all of this P.T.S.D. and death that happens because of war. These American soldiers are treated like disposable cogs in the war machine. There are American soliders who know this and hate it. Because they know, deep down, there could be a better world without all of this pain, suffering, and death caused by greedy parasites. These ruthless elites know that biological males are less likely to be risk-averse due to hardwired biology from hard science. These ruthless elites also know that biological males are easier to turn into immoral weapons. Also, these ruthless elites know how to fool biological males into believing they have power. That is why these ruthless elites keep their countries impoverished with propaganda, censorship, and broken school systems to prevent slaves from fighting against this toxic masculinity war machine that inevitbaly leads to internalized misogyny including domestic violence against women. We escape this fate by reversing the human rights violations that happen globally. We escape this fate by removing poverty. We escape this fate by having businesses that benefit people instead of wealthy elites only.

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I feel China’s “soft force” methodology is underexposed. It might well be that through puppeteering over Russia’s internal conflicts, through more advanced means of espionage for example, a larger power projection is produced than one would expect. Certainly, there seems to be something odd happening with politicians receiving money from that direction.

Sometimes, I feel that many of the more ill adviced public opinions are the result of sustained propaganda. Jokes from Daoists, playing distant games.

It might be worth considering that during the Korean War, the military perspective was to provoke China and beat them (and the rest of ‘communism’) in decisive war. The civil government reigned the military in. I’m not sure if this was to prevent a ‘Japanification’ of the military, ie just to maintain control, or whether this was a well considered choice. Certainly, it saved a vast amount of lives. Likely, especially on the Chinese side.

That decision, obviously, expected the ‘soft force’, or plain compelling nature of the American way of life to dominate whatsoever happens in China. That, or it was a desire to preserve an alternative.

Whether or not we now live in a CIA dystopia as opposed to a CCP distopia is a question on my mind. Certainly, in Europe, would we even notice the changeover? I am especially wondering if the Chinese mindset does not, even in a locally inferior position, already gain much more in the way of powers.

I feel the European mindset is far too lax. With many academics quite interested in a large scale communist experiment, willing to brush offenses under the table as growth problems. All the data we’re collecting and centralizing, isn’t it data for the largest parties? Economically, Europe has done a great deal of work in the past, but it hardly looks to be competing now.


I think that’s a false dichotomy. The methods of the CIA and the CCP are far from being completely dissimilar. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a large degree of collaboration between both, especially when there may be powers that use both organizations as tools for their own purposes. A truly patriotic CIA wouldn’t tolerate the extreme meddling of China in the American industry and markets, especially not the rampant IP “theft”.

The difference between the CIA model and the CCP model is that the latter uses a much more overt form of control. The actual difference between surveillance in China and the rest of the world is that Chinese citizens know how they are surveilled. That knowledge may be of advantage, but the terror that is imposed by a ruthless regime makes most people too afraid to oppose the party. Criticism of the government is tolerated to a small (and rapidly decreasing) degree in the West, but criticism of certain critical aspects of the way the economy is run can get you “disappeared” no matter what position you hold.

Also, it’s easier to get rid of a ruling party or regime than getting rid of a secret service. Those who demand such an action must fear for their lives, no matter who they are. If people get angry about a regime, it may fall. On the other hand, secret services usually are operating too much in secret for people to get angry about them.

Anyway, we probably live in a simultaneous CIA and CCP dystopia, since we are facing both covert and overt forms of oppression. The only way to escape that is a broad societal coalition with the will to get rid of both!

The high standard of living in Europe does seem to have bred a certain degree of complacency. There hasn’t been a strong effort to try competing with powers like the USA, China, or even “merely” Russia. Rather than trying to become a serious regional power, Europe has been content to be a junior partner/vassal of the US. That was the plan of certain forces within the USA, and they have succeeded so far.

Even if Europe decided to join the BRICS, that wouldn’t change too much about the junior role of Europe. Europe lacks the abundance of resources that the US, Russia, and China enjoy, so getting to a place of regional autonomy, autarky, and sovereignty is really hard. The resource requirements in the 21st century are different from those of the 19th century in which Europe still could dominate the globe.

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