This looks like a pretty useful initiative! I think it would make sense to distinguish between personal effectiveness and organizational effectiveness skills/techniques. Let me start start with some generic categories:
Personal effectiveness:
Philosophy / purpose / vision / mission
Ethical principles (mainly utilitarianism in my case) as basic guideline for what to do and what not to do
Optimizing health:
Healthy diet: Lots of veggies, and little sugar and refined carbs
Meditation / mindfulness / stress reduction
Getting enough sleep
Time and energy management (do activities which are most appropriate to your current energy level)
Optimizing effectiveness of the organization in accordance with techniques that are compatible to the organizational principles
Communication skills
Good understanding of human psychology
Leadership skills
What seems extremely useful in both contexts is empirical self-evaluation to find out what really works and what doesn’t. This involves setting up metrics and measuring them, as well as tracking activities, events, and momentary states.