Continuing the discussion from 𖡹ᴎɴⓞⵙ✣ᑐᑕᴎɴ⩇ꗳ⩇ᴎɴᑐᑕ✣ⵙⓞᴎɴ𖡹 𖡗ᔓᔕ⩇ⵙ∞⟠ꗳ⟠∞ⵙ⩇ᔓᔕ𖡗 𖡹ᴎɴⓞⵙ✣ᑐᑕᴎɴ⩇ꗳ⩇ᴎɴᑐᑕ✣ⵙⓞᴎɴ𖡹:
- CUTTERS CHOICE RADIO = CUTCHOIRA ( fun ethic from everywhere because NOBODY could be a phonetic master.)
- Kikihia cutora - Wikipedia
- Kikihia cutora, the snoring cicada, is a species of cicada that is endemic to New Zealand.[3][2] This species was first described by Francis Walker in 1850.[1]
- Cicada 3301 - Wikipedia
- adacic1033-cicada3301
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