Guideline Definitions & Terminology

Please don’t! At least not until you’ve done all the other high priority things.

I was gonna say: If you insist on reading/replying to Spirits post, let me (or, even better Spirit) decrypt it for you first. But now you’ve spent the time/energy decrypting most of it, there is probably not much advantage for me or Spirit to do it for you.


If the other plans involved doing stuff that I want, then it’s frustrating for me that Spirit got the time/energy instead.

@Radivis Why did you use ‘A priori’ here? If you’d just said ‘That might be true’, How would the meaning have been different?

Also note how Spirit starts off using your suggestion to use headings/bullet points and then subverts it? If I’m being cynical (and I have plenty of reasons to be cynical) I’d say this was quite deliberate. But I suppose I should give Spirit the benefit of the doubt and believe that it was an accident.

i dunno. 50:50

It’s good that we’re establishing precedent and strategy for dealing with trolls. It will save us a lot of time in the future.

Thanks for the replies. All is well. If you can push comfortably for more of what you haven’t gone through Radvis, however it’s comfortable for you (bit by bit probably). This may act as a further gesture to the rest of the points / questions and keep it in mind for a while as well as achieve finishing it :relaxed:

Being really questioned up-front something with such a break-down I think helps to question, choose and check ourselves in how we think and do things and reveal our true selves with how we feel and what is right for us first. A definite feeling or focus may occur as you move down the list.

Without sounding like I’m coaching you, a few attempts at it every now and again may massage some more.

The rest I below I wrote will a feeling of mysticism, so decided to include it. I hope it all can be healthy overall. Here’s the mystical interpretation that came out as I was writing:

  • working on it may be like a tribal-like scar that one can bear with some kind of accomplishment and pride that we both passed it and can take that with us as an asset through the rest of time…
  • or a deliberate keeping of the ‘pain’… meditating on it… letting it settle and letting it go while valuing it’s possibilities with us through to the future… and beyond…
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Ok, I will reply to your general themes, one at a time over the next month or so. :smiley: I will probably do that in a related thread, though – something like “communication culture” perhaps.

I like that interpretation. :sweat_smile: