Fractal Future WordPress Blog Theme

Currently points to the WordPress blog. This is of course intentional, because I want to turn that blog into some kind of portal page. At the moment, I’m using a very minimal default WordPress theme. That’s quite suboptimal, but should suffice for the beginning. What I want to do is to use a premium theme (which I will purchase on my own) that makes the blog visually more appealing and adds important features. I want a theme that is suited to turn the blog into some kind of navigation portal for the futurist community. It also should be able to be used as magazine-like community blog. There are a couple of themes which are technically advanced and would probably fit the bill:

There’s one theme which looks interesting, but doesn’t seem to be ideal as “portal” page: Divi. It’s one of these trendy “linear” themes where you basically just scroll down and down and eye candy pops up every once in a while. It might be the best for presenting new projects, though, so I’m mentioning it here.

The decision for a premium theme is not urgent. I don’t want to turn the Fractal Future Blog into a community portal immediately, but that’s the medium-term plan. A long-term option is turning it indeed into something like a magazine or news site. And perhaps even monetizing it, though that may sound slightly evil :wink:

Anyway, what do you think? Do you have any specific preferences for any one of the themes I listed or do you have your own suggestions?