First of all, a little poll:
What do you drink (multiple answers possible)?
- Coffee
- Tea
- None of the above
0 voters
Coffee and tea are awesome beverages. They have lots of antioxidants and caffeine. But I prefer decaf coffee, because the caffeine isn’t optimal for me (I use tyrosine for boosting my mental capacities). I add cocoa powder to the coffee to make it taste better and for getting even more antioxidants. Currently I also add some soy milk with vanilla flavour. That’s a really yummy combination for me Currently I drink between 2 and 4 cups of that cocoa soy decaf coffee per day. Also, I think drinking coffee is some kind of “magic” ritual that elevates my spirit
What kinds of coffee or tea do you drink? Do you have your own favourite recipes for them? How much do you need those beverages?