Au bonheur de la démocratie citoyenne

Ce pad pour parler de l’avenir politique français en matière de démocratie.2

What’s the purpose of this post? I demand a clarification, otherwise I will delete it!

  1. It’s French, which is not fundamentally a problem, but it would have been nice, if you tried translating it into English, the main forum language.
  2. Such simple one-liners as opening posts need to be exceptionally good to be seen as valuable contributions. This is a serious discussion forum, not Facebook.
  3. What’s the context of this post? Seriously, such posts appearing from nothing look more like spam than anything else.

I demand a clarification, otherwise I will delete this thread.

Fuck you, si vous croyez que c’est vous les amerloques qui allez créer un nouveau et meilleur futur et sauver le monde tout seul vous vous foutez le doigt dans l’œil !
Votre réponse est déplacée et insultante.

D’abord pourquoi votre site n’est pas en plusieurs langues si vous voulez sauver “tout” le monde ?

Notre propos pour cette discussion : Nous somme une association qui faisons une veille technologique sur les avancées démocratiques dues à la révolution numérique. Votre plateforme a attiré notre attention par son propos et nous pensions faire un article et utiliser le pad pour débattre sur le profond phénomène français émergeant en ce qui concerne la démocratie, ce que vous semblez ignorer. C’est pourquoi nous avons créé cette discussion “Ce pad pour parler de l’avenir politique français en matière de démocratie 2.0” a destination d’un public français. Ce propos ne nous semble pas être tout à fait déplacé dans ce contexte. Il semble qu’il y ait erreur sur les usages possibles et l’ouverture de votre plateforme en particulier en ce qui concerne les échanges internationaux et votre vision ouverte sur les usages provenant d’ailleurs.

Nous vous proposons de changer votre formule “We are a community of idealistic, yet pragmatic, far forward-looking people.” en We are a community of idealistic, yet pragmatic, far forward-looking people and immature ass hole who understand nothing."

En ce qui nous concerne, cette discussion est fermée. Nous allons utiliser une palteforme “française” pour cette discussion et vous laisser entre vous faire vos petites affaires (on est pas sorti du merdier, à en juger de cet échange arrogant)

Association Roule ta bosse


Fuck you, if you believe that it is you that the Yanks will create a
new and better future and save the world alone you do not care a finger
in the eye!
Your answer is inappropriate and insulting.

First why your site is not in several languages ​​if you want to save “all” the world?

Our purpose for tthis post: We are an association that make a technology watch on democratic advances due to the digital revolution. Your
platform has attracted attention by his remarks and thought to write an
article and use the pad to debate the profound French phenomenon
emerging regarding democracy, what you seem to ignore. That
is why we created this discussion “this pad to talk about the French
political future for democracy 2.0” was aimed at a French audience. This remark does not seem quite moved us in this context. It seems there is error on the uses and open your platform
particularly as regards international trade and open your vision on the
uses from elsewhere.

We suggest you change your formula “We are a community of idealistic, yet pragmatic, far forward-looking people.” We are in a community of idealistic, yet pragmatic, forward-looking people far and immature ass hole who Understand nothing. "

In our case, this discussion is closed. We will use a palteforme “French” for this discussion between you and
let you do your things (we’re not out of the mess, judging from this
arrogant exchange)

Association Roule ta bosse !
Non-profit organization

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hehe. Xool. I think you underestimate @Radivis.


I disagree. It’s actually more than you have deserved for writing an out-of context one-liner that was borderline spam and created a horrible first impression. The fact that you reacted to my reply with insults contributes to an overall negative impression of you and whoever you are trying to represent. I suggest that you apologize and reconsider your position on a possible cooperation with Fractal Future. I am still willing to give you a chance, but if you insist on insulting everyone who might offer a willing hand, it’s really your own fault that you don’t achieve what you want.

Don’t worry. You can insult me if you feel the need to insult anyone. I usually deserve it. Or we can get an ‘insult duck’ to go with ‘explain the problem duck’ :hatched_chick:

D’accord, je comprends pas tout mais ça a l’air d’une réponse intelligente.
Le canard en question, c’est la réponse qui m’est faite sans aucune
agilité, superficielle et arrogante. On ne peut pas répondre comme ça à
quelqu’un qui s’intéresse à votre travail dans le cadre d’une étude
pour son travail de curation, même s’il ne parle pas la langue
"universelle". Je ne pensais emmerder personne, en postant sur cette
plateforme, où je pensais initier une conversation avec des abonnés de
mes blogs (comme je le fais sur d’autres palteformes). Cette intention
était sérieuse. Je ne savais pas que cette palteforme était “réservée”.
Il y a peut-être une méprise superficielle sur la qualité du post (spam
éventuel) mais ce n’est pas une raison pour répondre comme ça. Ces 2
réponses sont pourries et je vous conseille d’en changer si c’est un
modèle. Ca ne présente pas très bien, en tout cas vu de l’étranger. Y’a
pas d’humour et ça tue.


le chant du canard chantant
ciao Moriarty

Okay, not quite understand but it looks like an intelligent answer.
The duck in question is the answer to me is made without any agility,
superficial and arrogant. We can not respond like that to someone who is
interested in your work as part of a study for the work of curation,
even if he does not speak the “universal language”. I thought annoy
anyone by posting on this platform, where I thought initiate a
conversation with subscribers of my “frenchs” blogs (as I do on other
palteformes). This intention was serious. I did not know that this
palteforme was “reserved”. There may be a superficial misunderstanding
regarding the quality of the post (possible spam) but that is not a
reason to respond like that. These two answers are crappy and I
recommend you to change it if it is a model. It does not present very
well, at least seen from abroad. There’s no humor and ça tue.


singing duck singing
ciao Moriarty

45 min après, le temps de la traduction
after 45 minutes of translation

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Google is getting slow?

Le Google devient lent?

Maybe they’re using AlphaGo to do it?

Peut-être qu’ils utilisent le ‘AlphaGo’ pour le faire?

BTW, come to our mumble hangout (voice chat, (you need mumble client to join)) today at 6pm GMT. Then we can call @Radivis a dumdum in French for not being a better linguist. :sunglasses:

France vs Alamangega. I am Brit, but hey, we Brits don’t take sides. We don’t need to fight to prove that we’re the bestest race! ‘Come to my island and say that to my face!’

you get it.
No it is I who becomes slow
But undubitablement AlphaGo also is in the coup

Merci pour l’invitation mais je quitte mon poste maintenant.

Merci pour la médiation et au prochain canard

Thank you for the invitation but I leave my job now.
Thank you for your mediation, at next duck

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How much effort do you expect me to invest into answering to questions that look like spam? Would you have preferred if I had deleted your post without explanation?

Oh, and by the way: It’s rude to write posts that look like spam in the first place. And I still haven’t seen any apology from you.

I did not see @rouletabosse 's first post as rude, or @Radivis 's first reply as rude.

It started to get rude here:

and here:

I attempted to recover the situation, and thought I’d done well after:

Unfortunately @Radivis undertook to undo my work by escalating the rudeness with:

Now it’s anyone’s game.