Articles of the day

posthumane ideen gab es schon 1929. in diesem essay geht es um eine diskussion der idee, menschliche gehirne vom körper zu isolieren, was im grunde eine cartesische philosophie ist. der schreiber des essays behauptet das dies nicht funktionieren wird und wendet sich gegen den telelogischen Posthumanismus, da man nie mit sicherheit sagen kann, wo bestimmte Experimente enden werden.

posthuman ideas already were developed in 1929. in this essay there is a discussion about the idea to isolate the human brain from its body, what is in fact cartesian philosophy. the writer claims that this cant work and argues against the telelogical posthumanism, as you can never be sure how certain experiments will end.

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Tunisia and Senegal now officially use blockchain based electronic currencies!

suprising results her:

wonder if that is a hoax or legitimate

The General Principles Committee has articulated high-level ethical concerns applying to all types of AI/AS that:

  1. Embody the highest ideals of human rights.
  1. Prioritize the maximum benefit to humanity and the natural environment.
  2. Mitigate risks and negative impacts as AI/AS evolve as socio-technical systems.

I hope YouTube Videos are okay too

How to Ethically Analyze Reproductive Technologies | Glenn Cohen (Channel: Big Think)

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Yes, as long as they can be interpreted as audiovisual pendants to more classical articles. Anything that strays to far from the article-like category, could be placed in

if it’s more about (un)popular culture, or otherwise in the

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Alright ty :slight_smile:

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a semi-comedey article about economics, pretending you can describe economics without humans.

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a futurist and enemy of the basic income. his argument is, that you will be so dependend on the state with an UBI, instead of being a slave of the companys you will be a slave of the state.

this scenario is also described in one of the black mirror episodes.

i think it is a possible scenario, but not a necessary one.

as i mentioned this paper here

discusses which taxes should be raised to ensure healthcare for the US. a similiar analysis could help us installing a UBI

Evolution is not about a constant life and death race. About the importance of cooperation for survival and evolution not only in a single species.

Five “heresies” proposed by Kevin Kelly:

  1. Intelligence is not a single dimension, so “smarter than humans” is a meaningless concept.
  2. Humans do not have general purpose minds, and neither will AIs.
  3. Emulation of human thinking in other media will be constrained by cost.
  4. Dimensions of intelligence are not infinite.
  5. Intelligences are only one factor in progress.
  1. You can easily introcuce a multidimensional scale, just as you can compute the distance between 2 vectors and their direction. Sure, multiple scales are possible and the scale might not tell you what you actually want to know.
  2. If humans dont have a general purpuse mind, why should then AIs need one to function?
  3. Might be true
  4. Might be true, too complex of a topic
  5. Might be true.

All in all a technological singularity in form of a grey goo wont be stopped by this arguments.

Its basically about the kind of technological singularity we hope to hit.

This article is now quite a few weeks old, but it’s one of the most important and interesting articles on the Wait But Why blog. Reading time: Several hours, if you aren’t a particularly fast reader.